4GP-1200E 電驅動(dòng) 采摘作業(yè)平臺
4GP-1200E electric drive picking platform
4GP-1200E 電驅動(dòng) 采摘作業(yè)平臺是1200型采摘作業(yè)平臺的短軸距版本,主要是為了適應部分中大型農場(chǎng)地頭轉彎場(chǎng)地不足的問(wèn)題。除了軸距縮短、舉升高度降低、工作臺面相應減小外,其它性能同1200。
The 4GP-1200E electric drive picking platform is a short wheelbase version of the 1200 type picking platform, which is mainly used to adapt to the problem of insufficient turning fields in some medium and large farms. Except that the wheelbase is shortened, the lifting height is reduced, and the worktable is reduced correspondingly, other performances are the same as 1200.
Suitable crops: apples, pears, cherries, peaches, oranges, tobacco, stereoscopic vegetables, etc
適合用戶(hù)群: 中大規模園區
Suitable for user groups: medium and large-scale parks
●綠色新能源 “零”噪聲污染
●Green new energy, “zero” noise pollution
●運行費用低 每天幾元電費 經(jīng)濟性強
●Cheap and effective, it costs as low as a few money daily
●操控簡(jiǎn)單易學(xué) 行走無(wú)級調速
●Easy to operate and learn Stepless speed regulation for walking
● High strength body structure
●采用“零”落差工作臺面 設計
● "Zero" drop worktable design
● Adopt adjustable angle guardrail structure
●采用名牌電器件 電控系統可靠耐用
●Brand electrical components are used, ensures reliable and durable electrical control system
● High standard harness of commercial vehicles
●High capacity brand battery is used, ensures a long service life
● High standard on-board charging device
● Hydraulic pipe fittings with famous brands
●整機結構件激光切割成型 精度極高
●Complete machine structure is formed by laser cutting with high precision
●全系標配 加寬越野輪胎
●Standard widened off-road tire are equipped as a standard for the whole series
●UV resistant and weather resistant paint coating
● The traveling system has the function of kinetic energy recovery
●8 to 32 hours of continuous operation on a single charge
4GP-1200E 果園采摘作業(yè)平臺 產(chǎn)品規格表
Product Specification Table of 4GP-1200E Orchard Picking Platform
序號 Serial No | 項 目 Item | 單位 Unit | 主要參數 Main Parameter |
1 | 型號名稱(chēng)Model Name | / | 4GP-1200E型果園采摘作業(yè)平臺 4GP-1200E series orchard picking platform |
2 | 結構型式Structural Style | / | 自走式 Self-propelled type |
3 | 驅動(dòng)型式Driving Type | / | 2輪 驅動(dòng) 2WD |
4 | 升降機構類(lèi)型 Type of lifting mechanism | / | 剪叉式 Scissor fork type |
5 | 轉向型式Steering type | / | 液壓動(dòng)力轉向(方向盤(pán)) Hydraulic power steering (steering wheel) |
6 | 配套動(dòng)力型式Type of support power | / | 電動(dòng)機 Electric motor |
7 | 配套動(dòng)力Supporting power | kW | 8 |
8 | 整機外形尺寸(長(cháng)×寬×高) Maximum Overall dimension(L*W*H) | mm | 3040×1670×2440 |
9 | 工作臺最大尺寸(長(cháng)×寬) Maximum dimension of work platform(L*W) | mm | 2560×3000 |
10 | 額定載荷Rated load | kg | 1200 |
11 | 舉升負載量Lifting Load | kg | 1000 |
12 | 升降高度范圍Lifting height range | mm | 1055~2045 |
13 | 最小離地間隙Minimum ground clearance | mm | 180 |
14 | 輪胎型號(前輪/后輪)Tire type(Front/Rear) | / | 27×8.5-15/27×8.5-15 |
15 | 爬坡能力Climbing ability | % | 20 |
16 | 輪距Wheel tread | mm | 1306 |
17 | 工作臺橫向最大調平角度 Maximum Horizontal leveling angle of work platform | ° | / |
18 | 工作臺縱向最大調平角度Maximum Longitudinal leveling angle of work platform | ° | / |
19 | 平臺升降速度 Platform rising & falling speed | mm/s | 額定負載升速:50;空載升速:60 額定負載降速:95;空載降速:90 Rated load speed rise: 50; No load speed rise: 60 Rated load deceleration: 95; No load deceleration: 90 |
20 | 最大沉降量Maximum subsidence | mm | 8 |
21 | 行走速度范圍 Travel speed range | m/s | 0~1.94 |
22 | 轉彎半徑Turning radius | m | 4.8 |
4GP-1200E基本型三電配置: 鉛酸動(dòng)力蓄電池(加水)+直流無(wú)刷電機+直流電控
4GP-1200E basic three electricity configuration: lead acid power battery (adding water)+DC brushless motor + DC electric control
A 增程發(fā)電機 A Extended range generator
B 電子制動(dòng) B Electronic brake
C MP3 播放器 C MP3 player
D 夜間工作燈 D Night work light
E 遮陽(yáng)蓬 E Sunshade
F 太陽(yáng)能輔助發(fā)電系統 F Solar auxiliary power generation system
G 后舉升叉系統 G Rear lifting fork system
H 免維護動(dòng)力蓄電池 H Maintenance free traction battery
I 護欄置物袋 I Guardrail storage bag
J 折疊座椅 J Folding seats
K 220V AC 交流輸出 K 220V AC output
L 前舉升叉系統 L Front lifting fork system
*The parameter table only describes the basic parameters. Please consult Zoomye Company for high configuration, high power and optional configuration parameters.
*規格參數及外觀(guān),隨產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)不斷更新,具體參數請咨詢(xún)中頤公司,以中頤公司最新參數為準,以上參數不作為整機驗收依據。 咨詢(xún)電話(huà) 4008-400-232
*The specification parameters and appearance are constantly updated with the development of products. For specific parameters, please consult Zoomye Company. The latest parameters of Zoomye Company shall prevail. The above parameters are not used as the basis for the acceptance of the complete machine. Consulting hotline: 4008-400-232
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